Last weekend I found this popsicle maker at TJMaxx, and after passing up a Zoku last summer in the same store, I could not ignore this $9.99 price and took it home.
The weather is hot here in the East Coast, temperature as high as 107 today, and we didn’t need a better excuse than 100+ degrees to test out this popsicle maker. Nutella + milk = always a great idea, and in this case delicious Nutella popsicles were ready in just 10 min. Yumminess!
The whole process was easy as pie, or rather easy as popsicles. We even did a second batch right away, though after 11 minutes this one was still some liquid at the top. Instead of waiting to see how long the second batch might take, we just put the whole thing in the freezer. A few minutes later the second batch was ready. Since it doesn’t take up that much room, we’ll leave our X-press pops maker in the freezer so we can make our 12 minute popsicles anytime. If this heat keeps up, I think this just might be the summer of popsicles. Or maybe mojitos. Or maybe mojito popsicles… mmmmm…..
Share your favorite popsicle recipes in the comments.
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